Companion Planting: Cauliflower

Cauliflower benefits from companion planting to improve growth and deter pests. Here's how to optimize your cauliflower garden.

Plants Cauliflower Helps

Plants That Help Cauliflower

Plants to Avoid

Growing Tips

  1. Soil: Rich, well-draining soil with pH 6.5-7.5.
  2. Sunlight: Full sun, at least 6 hours daily.
  3. Water: Consistent moisture, about 1-1.5 inches per week.
  4. Spacing: 18-24 inches apart in rows 30 inches apart.
  5. Fertilizer: Side-dress with nitrogen-rich fertilizer when plants start to form heads.
  6. Temperature: Cool-season crop, plant in spring or fall.
  7. Blanching: Cover developing heads with leaves to maintain white color.

Garden Layouts

Small Garden

Cauliflower centered, with thyme and onions on sides.

Medium Garden

Two cauliflower plants with beets and celery as companions.

Large Garden

Grid layout with cauliflower interspersed among companions for diverse benefits.

Long Garden

Cauliflower rows with diverse companions for pest control and improved growth.


Companion planting with cauliflower can enhance your garden's overall health and productivity. Implement these strategies for a thriving cauliflower harvest and healthier companion plants.

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